We were pleased to host our own booth at this year’s Technology Convergence Conference, on February 18th, at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
We particularly enjoy this conference due to our previous work helping the Teladata marketing team with public relations for the event! Watching the conference unfold was a lot of fun. We were able to catch up with new friends and old, as well as our clients who were exhibiting and attending: Future Facilities, Hurricane Electric, Polargy, Purkay Labs, and Upsite Technologies. We look forward to next year! Below is a photo editorial of our experience:
The Conference begins!Using the Teladata TCC Mobile App, developed specifically for this event.
The Milldam Public Relations booth!
Upsite Technologies’ booth and President, Peter Crook.Conference sessions under way.Upsite Technologies’ booth and President, Peter Crook.Future Facilities’ Matt Renner demonstrates their software to an attendee.
Tempting attendees to our booth.Hurricane Electric’s Benny Ng speaks in a session on efficiency in data centers.Jonathan Koomey speaks on predictive modeling in data centers.After the conference, Purkay Labs demonstrated their AUDIT-BUDDY at a local data center.Setting it up to gather thermal data in both hot and cold aisles.President Adam Waitkunas and EVP Adam Fairbanks at the conclusion of a successful trip!
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