Thermal News Features Purkay Labs’ Delta T Package


Showcasing this new application of AUDIT-BUDDY, Thermal News covers details of the latest package and capabilities offered by Purkay Labs. From the article:


Purkay Labs has added rack-level delta-T monitoring to Audit-Buddy, the first standalone temperature and humidity monitor for the white space. In the past, measurement of server delta-T has proven difficult. Now, users can take two Audit-Buddy systems, one in the cold aisle and the other across the selected server in the hot aisle, to track the server delta-T and measure the cooling dynamics at the rack.

The average data center loses a significant amount of cold air due to bypass and re-circulation airflow. While the natural response is to “over cool” the hall, cold air loss is not a problem with cooling capacity, but rather poor airflow management. By comparing the delta-T at the HVAC (supply-return air temperature) to the delta-T at the server (inlet-outlet air temperature), data center managers can determine if they are cooling efficiently or inefficiently. The Audit-Buddy Delta-T Package gives the data center manager the necessary information to determine exactly how much bypass or recirculation is actually happening on a rack-by-rack basis.

“At the end of the day, the easiest way to reduce a data center’s electricity costs is to improve the cooling efficiency,” said Indra Purkayastha, CEO and Founder of Purkay Labs. “Our Delta-T Package tells you how much cold air is being wasted, right out of the box. There are no external programs or infrastructure integration required. The Delta-T Package allows data center managers to make data-driven decisions to adjust hot/cold aisle containment, cut down on CRAC use and reduce the overall kWh bill.”

Read the full article at Thermal News.