Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a healthy and prosperous New Year. Yesterday, we released our holiday newsletter which includes a recap of the year, including the opening of our new office in West Hollywood, and the top five news articles that we placed for clients in 2020. The newsletter also includes a link to our president’s recent blog on the importance of returning to in-person events in 2021. You can read the full […]
Milldam Minute
The Importance of Returning to In-person Events in a Post-Pandemic Environment
From the psychological benefits to organic business development, a return to traditional events is a must By Adam Waitkunas With a COVID-19 vaccine clearing important FDA approvals and distribution in progress, there finally looks to be some light at the end of the long quarantine. It is time to start thinking about business networking events and what those will look like. If all goes well, it appears that we may see some of the first […]
Time for Social Media Influencers and Celebrities to Adopt Crisis Communications Planning
Without proper crisis planning, reputation, followers and dollars can vanish in no time By Adam Waitkunas Social media influencers continue to flex their muscles through TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and other social media applications, while garnering widespread attention and millions of followers, and to influencing purchasing decisions and other behavior. What happens to this kind of influence in a crisis? Because they are under constant scrutiny, a comprehensive crisis management planning is a must for influencers. […]
It’s Time to Reallocate Event Budgets to Content Development
As the business community continues to navigate the COVID-19 climate, one thing is clear: The timing of the return of in-person events in unknown. Given this uncertainty, it’s time to reallocate event budgets to content development. Increasing content development can help companies maintain their edge and enable them to stay relevant, generate leads, provide added value to existing customers and increase credibility. As we continue to experience an economic downturn and the uncertain direction of […]
The Missing Link
Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn Sponsorships I love using LinkedIn to help supplement my clients’ marketing and PR efforts. While there is still value from traditional advertising in publications and other media outlets, sponsoring a campaign on LinkedIn provides companies with a high-level of flexibility and cost control that is otherwise absent. More importantly, LinkedIn allows the advertiser to drill down to specific companies and titles when setting-up an ad campaign, helping to target the […]
The Case for Content Marketing, Part Two
As we briefly covered in Part One of this series, there are a variety of benefits when content marketing is successfully employed, among them: establishing credibility, creating positive associations, and fostering loyalty and brand association. As part of our introduction to the subject, we examined three best practices to consider before putting pen to paper, whether developing a standalone piece of collateral or an in-depth content marketing campaign: Create a plan with goals Track the […]
The Case for Content Marketing
Part One Never before has the average consumer had access to greater information on the goods and services that interest them. While a benefit to us all, this simple fact also poses significant challenges on how to effectively market to such a diverse group. While they still hold a place in every marketing plan, hoping to gain attention and marketspace through sheer exposure simply isn’t savvy enough anymore. There are too many mediums from which […]
Hollywood: Crisis Communications is More than Issuing a Statement
Current News Cycle Shows Why Actionable Results Are Imperative In an earlier blog post, I wrote about the importance of having a crisis communications plan and the basics of implementation. Even if you or your organization are not expecting a crisis (who is?) one will likely occur and your executives will need to spring into action. After all, you will be judged not only by your response but by the measurable actions your organization has […]
How to Get the Most Out of Trade Show Attendance
With the fall tradeshow season underway, now is an excellent time to strategize on how to get the most out of the events that you’re attending or considering attending. With all the noise and activity, simply walking or exhibiting at a trade show is not enough to generate a worthwhile ROI. You need to differentiate your company from the others that are attending, especially if you’re a startup or mid-sized business within a crowded industry. […]
Recap: Milldam PR Travels to Austin for the 2017 DC/AC Event
Having recently completed its third year, the 2017 Data Center Austin Conference (otherwise known as DC/AC) is a relatively new event for the data center industry and attempts to set itself apart from other trade shows. Founded by Kirk Offel, Executive Vice President of Platform Delivery for Aligned Energy, the conference’s vision is “to bring together the most respected thought leaders in the Data Center industry to effectively bridge the gap between the current state of […]