Upsite Technologies Announces New Cooling Science Seminar to Provide On-Site Education to Data Center Managers and Operators


This unique, on-site educational service provides data center operators with AFM knowledge and methods necessary to quantify and improve cooling efficiency in data centers

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.–()–Upsite Technologies, Inc., a leader in data center airflow management solutions, today announced its brand newEnergyLok Cooling Science Seminar. An educational service, the seminar will provide knowledge and analysis of data center airflow management, discuss the latest trends in cooling efficiency, and help operators improve cooling capacity in data centers.

“Cooling infrastructure encompass almost half of a data center’s energy”

In today’s data centers, many operators lack the time or resources to make Airflow Management (AFM) a priority and can easily ignore simple problems like open holes in the floor and blank U-spaces in the rack. Small issues like these lead to huge wastes in energy, especially considering the average data center has three times the cooling capacity it needs.* This is surprising, considering the obvious acceptance of AFM best practices. Upsite’s new seminar will provide a deeper understanding of AFM and help data center operators take control of their cooling expenses and save up to sixty-percent on cooling fan costs alone.

The EnergyLok Cooling Science Seminar holds two days of classroom and hands-on training to deliver Upsite’s industry-leading experience and knowledge into the data center. Each seminar is held directly at the client’s facility, eliminating travel expenses for participants. This also allows for more and different stakeholders (facilities, IT and finance) to participate and increases the likelihood of overcoming organizational inertia that can often prevent implementation of new initiatives. As the seminar is on-site, Upsite orients the training towards the client’s needs. The seminar concludes with attendees allying their knowledge with a live, on-site walkthrough to find opportunities to implement lessons learned, giving the customer the opportunity to apply his or her knowledge to the site almost immediately.

The Seminar covers a variety of subtopics, including PUE metrics, ASHRAE TC 9.9 recommendations, containment strategies, and the protocol for cooling optimization, among others.

“Cooling infrastructure encompass almost half of a data center’s energy,” said John Thornell, President of Upsite Technologies. “We have developed the EnergyLok Cooling Science Seminar to help customers better understand the dynamics of airflow and thermal management, and implement deliberate solutions for dramatic results in their data centers.”

The two-day seminar (one day in classroom & one day in data center) is limited to ten students to provide the best learning experience. For additional information on the seminar, please visit

Read the full press release at Business Wire.