Bluestone’s Sean Fuller interviewed in National Real Estate Investor about energy conservation in industrial buildings


Bluestone Energy’s Sean Fuller was recently interviewed by National Real Estate Investor about energy conservation trends for industrial buildings. From the article:

Sean Fuller, vice president of business and development with Norwell, Mass.-based Bluestone Energy Services LLC, says a five-year ROI on green technology is common today. “You’re now starting to see more products that provide ROI in three years or less,” he says.


Fuller says it is very difficult for a manufacturing facility, new or existing, to earn the LEED standard. However, he says, incentives offered by communities, organizations and energy providers have been the game-changers needed to allow sustainable features on shop floors. Rebates on energy-efficient retrofits can pick up 30 percent to 50 percent of the costs of the installation, Fuller says.

As an example of successful incentive use, Fuller’s firm recently installed new LED lighting at Mack Technologies’ 108,000-sq.-ft. manufacturing facility in Westford, Mass. The new lighting, he says, will save the company more than $50,000 in annual lighting costs. The project will receive more than $130,000 in a combination of state and federal tax credits and utility incentives provided by National Grid. The project is expected to have an ROI within three years, Fuller says.

Click here to read the full article at National Real Estate Investor.